Section 4:
Tech-fueled personaliĀzation at scale
Personalization is more than just addressing your target audience by their first name. It requires quality data and lots of it to create personalized content experiences that really resonate with your target audience. Different factors, such as their stage in the buying journey, industry, and job title, all help to determine the messaging that will be most effective.
So how can you capture all these data points to deliver personalized communications atĀ scale?
The answer is to utilize the advanced technological capabilities of AI, machine learning and predictive modeling. These technologies, when harnessed together in a Targeted Demand Generation platform, allow you to collect, analyze and translate vast amounts of data into actionable insights that can identify the most accurate triggers for personalizing content.
For example, an AI-supported publishing platform can enable personalization at scale, using recommendation engines and machine learning to analyze readership's 1st party data and real-time digital signals. By categorizing content accurately, this technology performs automatic content contextualization, analysis and continuous learning, which in turn triggers intelligent content journeys - delivering relevant messaging to specific audiences and individuals that are actively interested in your defined topic areas.
This process powers personalized content journeys that fast-track decision-making at scale.